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Are You A Bully?

Who or what is a bully? In my mind, a person who tries to make himself or herself feel superior to another human being by exercising his or her power and influence because of that person’s perceived physical or mental weakness can be regarded as a bully. Bullies exist everywhere…

Hypnosis and Self-Knowledge

Most people do not understand hypnosis. Many think they cannot be hypnotised, and many believe someone hypnotises them. What they know about hypnosis is mostly from watching hypnosis performed on stage or TV. So they have the wrong idea about hypnosis and what it does to the individual. Here I…

The Medusa Phenomenon

In the Greek mythology Medusa was a monster with a human female face. From her scalp grew living venomous snakes instead of hair. She looked so hideous that gazing directly upon her would turn anyone into stone. In my mind I regard this fear of turning into stone, very much…

Will Power and Desires

So you think you need will power to achieve something or perform a task or break a habit? There are so many desires operating within you and you want to override these with one strong desire because that is what you want at present. Do you know that using will…

Marriage and same sex

The institution of marriage is under attack from all directions from a self centred, over indulgent world, seeking instant gratification of their desires with no regard for the consequences of their actions. If a majority of people votes in one or the other direction does it make the perception of…

The Enchanted Elephant

Have you heard of the story of the elephant and the rope? It is on the Internet. It will give you some idea of how your subconscious mind works and how distorted perceptions can enslave you. “A man passing by a group of elephants observes that these huge creatures were…

Grieving and Loss

There are so many tragedies taking place in this world every moment of the day. There are mothers losing their babies even before they are born. Then there are mothers who lose their babies after they are born. Then they are families losing their loved ones in different tragic circumstances…

Why the Law Is an Ass?

Do you know there is a saying called “the Law is an ass”? It is derived from an English proverb which likens the law’s stubbornness and stupidity to the supposed innate nature of a donkey. Charles Dickens popularised it in his novel “Oliver Twist” where Mr. Bumble is told in…

Same Sex Marriage Vote

The recent vote in Australia on the same-sex marriage proves the point that one cannot depend on the masses to bring about sanity into this world. It also proves the point that politicians will do anything to buy votes and one cannot depend on the politicians to lead us to…

Motivation and Perceptions

When one is faced with seemingly insurmountable problems how can we motivate the individual to help him or her change their perception of reality? A patient of mine had a painful knee-joint for months. She had tried physiotherapy and other forms of treatment and nothing seems to have worked. She…

The Bankrupt Mind

The Mind is Timeless and eternal so how can we have a bankrupt mind? As I see it, it is the ego in the mind with its perception of chronological time that is the problem. The thinking process that we use with its verbalization ties us to the world of…

The Academic Navel-Gazers

There is a difference between bureaucratic thinking and rational thinking. If one is not aware, it can lead to distorted perceptions. In bureaucratic thinking, one is not allowed to use one’s common sense. One is always guided by the letter of the law, not the spirit of the law. Bureaucratic…